About Us

Our Ministry
Friendship Faith Ministries (F.F.M.) is a non-denominational, spirit-filled church that teaches the full gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe in the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
We're a multi-cultural congregation dedicated to working in the Kingdom of God to win souls for Christ. Our desire is to encourage all of God's people to live obediently and walk a consistently and holy life before God.
F.F.M. is uniquely named for many reasons. Friendship. We have friendships that can't be destroyed by Satan. We're one body in Christ Jesus. We counsel, fellowship and pray for one another. Faith. Our Pastor walks by faith, which is why FFM relies totally on God for everything. Matthew 17:20 says, "Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto the mountain, be thou removed, and it shall be removed and nothing shall be impossible unto you." Ministries. Within F.F.M., God has equipped each individual with his or her own ministry (music, singing, interpretive dance, witnessing, community outreach, etc.). We encourage every member to use their ministry to build up the Kingdom of God.
Jesus Christ instructed his followers to "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things I have commanded you; and lo I am with you even to the end of the earth." (Matthew 28:19-20). This "Great Commission" applies to all Christians, and F.F.M. strives to obey it through personal witness and missions.